
Thursday 20 June 2019



Have you ever heard of the word called papillae? In this explanation, I will be telling you lots of new words that you probably haven’t heard before and how we can smell/taste food.  

Here is a list of the different parts of your tongue. First is your papillae. Papillae are these small red dots on top of your tongue and around the outside of your papillae are tiny bits of hair called microvilli which helps you taste food. Next is your smell molecules. Smell molecules/odours are particles that helps you to smell food. Then, there is your olfactory receptors. Olfactory receptors are these things on top of your nose that sends a warning to you if you are tasting something that is expired or old.

Have you ever had that feeling when you just can’t smell or taste anything when you have a cold? Well this is because all the snot blocks your nose and stops the smell molecules from travelling all the way to your olfactory receptors.

Today, I have learnt lots of different facts about the tongue. About how we can smell/taste food and why we can never smell any food that we eat when we have a cold. I think that this system is very interesting and also fascinating.

Image result for papillaesImage result for tongue diagram

Friday 14 June 2019



Did you know that electricity can travel through water, metal and air? Today, we are going to be learning about how to stay safe and about the transformer.

70% of your body is made out of water. Your body contains a bit of electricity. The electricity inside you helps your heart beat and without it, you will not live.

Do you ever notice a green type of box with a sign on it called “Danger, High Volt” or “Danger, Low Volt”? This is called a transformer. A transformer makes the 11,000 volt turn into 300 volt 
so your house doesn’t blow up and  can get electricity.

Do you want to stay safe and not be in danger? I will tell you some facts and information on how to be safe. When you see a tree or a car crashed into a pole, do not stay near around it, you must stay at least 10 meters away. 

When you are at home and your toast gets stuck in the toaster, do not go and poke it with a knife, fork or spoon. The reason why is because if you do poke it, you might cut or damage the 
wires and it will blow up.

When you see a pole with power lines, don’t be silly and climb up.


Thursday 13 June 2019

The Animal In Me

The Animal In Me

There is an animal inside me,
It leaps and twirls at the door of my heart,
It roars when it’s searching for its prey,
It growls when it's ready to attack,

There is an animal inside me,
It pounces at the walls of my mind, 
It keeps trying to hide,
When I am alone, the beast inside 
me will also feel alone and upset,

There is an animal inside me, 
When I am with friends, it tries to impress,
It is like a lion fighting to get out,

I am a tiger,

There is an animal inside me, 
Its body is rough and stripey,
Its eyes are as bright as the shimmering stars,
It just won’t leave me alone,
Will I ever be free of this animal inside me?

Thursday 6 June 2019

Earth Poster By Wint and Tracey

Digestive System

Digestive System

Did you know that it take 8 whole hours for food to go through your digestive system?  
Today, I will be telling you how your digestive system works.

Your digestive system works in a process. It starts with your mouth, then you stomach,
small intestine then your large intestine.

When you first eat food, it all starts by chewing with your mouth. The food that you have
just ate then goes into your esophagus (a scientific word for food pipe) and ends up in
your stomach.

Your stomach has acid in it. The acid helps kill the bacteria so we don”t get sick. The
stomach has a thick mucus so the acid doesn’t harm the stomach.

Next is your small intestine. Do you know what your small intestine does? In your small
intestine, there are small fingers called villi. It breaks the food into smaller pieces and gets
absorbed by the blood.

Large intestine is where all your food waste turns into feces (poo). The liquid in the food
waste gets absorbed into the blood and cleans it to make urine.

Your digestive system is a very important system for your body.