
Friday, 17 August 2018


Once upon a time in a far far away land, there was a mystery place where
there were no creatures and absolute silent. All there was were clouds, a
dark shadow, a rocking ship and a rocky type of mountain. One evening,
when sunset came, there was a unknown human and it’s crew.

The humans came walking on the ice coming towards the rocking ship.
They went inside the ship and stole treasure that wasn’t even theirs and
without permission. Suddenly, they heard a noise coming from the other
side of the boat. It was Emily! Emily was the owner of the ship and was
in the legend named the Mystery of the Missing Boat. The legend goes
like this. Back in 1984, there lived a girl who owned a ship. Her parents
gave it for her 16th birthday. This ship has been passed on by generation
to generation and started from Emily’s great, great grandmother. One day,
Emily’s cousin Katelyn came to visit her with her crew. But, you have to
understand one thing, Emily and Katelyn didn’t get along very well. When
They were both 16, when Emily got her first ship, Katelyn became very
jealous of Emily because she got a ship and Katelyn didn’t. From that
day on, Emily and Katelyn began fighting about everything, even the
Things that aren’t even that serious. Katelyn decided to get her revenge.
She decided to bring her crew with her and steal Emily’s stuff.

Katelyn and her crew went inside the ship and stole all of Emily’s special
things that meant alot to her. When Emily came back, she noticed that
there were people in her ship. She ran up to her ship as fast as she could
and noticed that her cousin Katelyn was there with her crew...

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