
Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Letter To Mr Herlihy

Tracey Win
172 West Tamaki Road,
Glen Innes,
1072 Auckland.

Mr Chris Herlihy
172 West Tamaki Road,
Glen Innes,
1072 Auckland.

Tuesday 19 March

Dear Mr Herlihy,

I was wondering if Room 10 could have this opportunity to learn about a school of the other side
of New Zealand. I ask you to consider Room 10 using a video chat site called “Meet” to call our
amazing buddy class in Mangonui School.

We promise that we will only call them about once a week only for an hour, not use inappropriate
language and will always be polite. We will talk about how it is like at eachother school and learn
new things from them, and if we ever do the wrong thing or make wrong choices, we will face the
consequences which is not being able to use our chromebook for a week.

Thank you,
Tracey Win.

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