
Monday, 9 March 2020

Refugee Reviews

Refugee Reviews

Faiana - An adult read this book with his kid and they started to see bad words
repeatedly, “hell hell hell” over and over again. They liked the book but wished
it did not have the word hell in it.

Faiana - Most of the comments were saying that they have read the book Refugee
this in grade 6 and were saying if a 6th grader like it then 7th or 8th grader should
like it too.

Tracey - A teacher said that she read this book with her 8th grade class and it was

very detailed and interesting. But she also said that she doesn’t recommend it for
children under 13.

Tracey - An adult said it is a great book for increasing global awareness.

Tracey - Refugee is an amazing book. It is well written and explains the issues refugees
go through.  

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