
Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Would you rather? - 27/10/21

For todays work on writing, I chose to do would you rather. My two questions were: "Would you rather be able to read lips or know sign language?" and "Would you rather be rich, lucky, or smart?". Here are my answers and explanation on why I chose them. Enjoy !

Would you rather be able to read lips or know sign language?

I would rather be able to sign language because it will develop a strong appreciation for deaf culture, and I can encourage understanding and acceptance of the language among others. It says that sign language leads to higher abstract and creative thinking, better problem-solving skills, greater flexibility, better listening skills, greater academic achievement, and much more. Also, 1 of the 3 official languages of New Zealand is NZSL ( New Zealand Sign Language ) so it would be great to have the ability to communicate that language and can be a great learning process.

Would you rather be rich, lucky, or smart?

I don’t want to depend too much on luck. Luck can only take you so far before you have to rely on yourself and it’s unclear how lucky we’re talking about. When you have a lot of money, it makes it easy to invest and make great benefits on those. You wouldn’t have to work any longer if you’re rich and just investing. Being smart is very vague, intelligence comes in many different forms. The smartest ones aren’t always the most successful ones either. The most clever and well-connected people are usually the most successful. So I think that being rich is the best option. My parents always tell me to focus on my education so when I grow up I can get a good job and make lots of money, but I wouldn’t need to do that if I’m already rich and can invest into making more.

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