Friday, 21 December 2018
Thursday, 20 December 2018
Wednesday, 19 December 2018
Tuesday, 18 December 2018
Campsite Trip!
“Hurry up Kelsey the bus is about to arrive!!” shouted Brittney. Brittney is Kelsey’s older sister
who is born 2 years before Kelsey and is very protective over her. Kelsey quickly packed her
stuff away and replied “Just a second Britt!” Kelsey rushed outside the door and saw her best friend
Hailey waiting for her on the bus. She hopped on the bus and sat near the seat beside her. The girls
started talking, then after a very long ride, they finally arrived to the RoseWood Campsite. The counselor
of the camp told the class all the rules about the camp. The counselor also told the class a very
important story that happened a long time ago. In 1968, there was a class camping at this exact
campsite. There was a group of girls in one of the cabins and everynight, they would hear loud noises
from outside of the door. They told one of the counselors and on that same night, each of the girls was
gone missing one by one and till this day now, they still haven't found the group of girls. “ANYWAYS like
I said, go into your groups and go and check out your cabins” Kelsey was in a group with 3 other girls
including her sister and they all was so terrified. The 4 girls went into their cabins and went on the bunk
bed. They all put their stuff in place and was talking about what they wanted to do during the camp.
The girls talked for a long time in fact, the moon came up. The girls decided to take a break from all the
talking because they got really tired and decided to get some sleep because they have breakfast
tomorrow and have to wake up early. That night, the girls heard strange noises and got really scared.
next morning, Kelsey told the whole story to one of the counselors and they were very confused
because the story happened a long time ago. They decided that it wasn’t safe for the girls to stay in that
cabin anymore so they had to sleep in tents. Once again, they heard strange noises and thought it was
just the wind but the noise got louder and louder. They went under the blanket and stayed silent.
The sound was coming closer and closer. One of the girls was gone missing and the rest saw a dark,
black shadow roaming around the forest. That day, all the girls went missing...
Summer Learning Journey
Monday, 17 December 2018
Thursday, 29 November 2018
Tuesday, 20 November 2018
Friday, 28 September 2018
Friday, 7 September 2018
The Road Ahead
The Road Ahead l By Tracey
It was a beautiful day where the sun was shining and Hulk decided to go for a walk around his new neighbourhood. While he was walking on the road, he suddenly saw a sign saying no exit and was so curious enough that he walked ahead. He walked and walked but he still didn’t notice anything. He felt like he was walking around the road over and over again. Until, he noticed that everything around him didn’t change and he knew for a fact that he was walking around in circles. He was very confused at that moment and didn’t know what was going on. Hulk had a very smart idea that he wanted to try and thought it might work. He turned around and walked the other way hoping that he would find his way back. But unfortunately, everything stayed the same. The trees and houses were the same, the grass and ground was the same and it . But unfortunately, nothing had changed. He walked in one of the house entrance praying that they would know what to do. When he knocked on the door, nobody answered. He knocked at another person's house, but they didn’t answer. Just to be sure, Hulk went to another house and knocked while he was crossing his fingers at the back of him. Finally, he saw someone open the door and was so relieved to see a young little girl with light brown hair and green eyes standing near the door and glaring at him. The girl asked “Do you need something?” Hulk replied “Actually I do need something, would you show me the way back to my house please?” the little girl was so surprised that a big green ugly creature didn’t even know how to find his way back to his own house, but she was nice enough to lend him some help. Hulk and the little girl walked back to Hulk’s house. Hulk then saw his house and was very surprised of why and how. He thanked the little girl for helping him and she replied with you’re welcome. The little girl then walked back to her house but couldn’t seem to find it. It seemed like she was walking in circles.
Glen Taylor,
Room 10,
Monday, 3 September 2018
Friday, 17 August 2018
Once upon a time in a far far away land, there was a mystery place where
there were no creatures and absolute silent. All there was were clouds, a
dark shadow, a rocking ship and a rocky type of mountain. One evening,
when sunset came, there was a unknown human and it’s crew.
The humans came walking on the ice coming towards the rocking ship.
They went inside the ship and stole treasure that wasn’t even theirs and
without permission. Suddenly, they heard a noise coming from the other
side of the boat. It was Emily! Emily was the owner of the ship and was
in the legend named the Mystery of the Missing Boat. The legend goes
like this. Back in 1984, there lived a girl who owned a ship. Her parents
gave it for her 16th birthday. This ship has been passed on by generation
to generation and started from Emily’s great, great grandmother. One day,
Emily’s cousin Katelyn came to visit her with her crew. But, you have to
understand one thing, Emily and Katelyn didn’t get along very well. When
They were both 16, when Emily got her first ship, Katelyn became very
jealous of Emily because she got a ship and Katelyn didn’t. From that
day on, Emily and Katelyn began fighting about everything, even the
Things that aren’t even that serious. Katelyn decided to get her revenge.
She decided to bring her crew with her and steal Emily’s stuff.
Katelyn and her crew went inside the ship and stole all of Emily’s special
things that meant alot to her. When Emily came back, she noticed that
there were people in her ship. She ran up to her ship as fast as she could
and noticed that her cousin Katelyn was there with her crew...
blog profile,
Glen Taylor,
kawa of care,
Room 10,
Wednesday, 25 July 2018
Student Led Conference
Today, my parents came to see if I am doing well with my learning
and what I am struggling with. I was showing my parents what level
I am on in reading, writing, maths and spelling. My dad was really
proud of me and I was really proud of myself too! I also told my parents
what Fire and Ace was. After I showed my parents about my learning, I
asked Miss Wrack if we were finished and she replied with a funny joke
but I forgot what it was. Then I went to the juniors playground and I walked
around and talked with my friends while my parents were waiting in the
car for me.
Glen Taylor,
kawa of care,
Room 10,
Friday, 6 July 2018
Reflection For Ms Wrack
In school, we explored and learnt what was inside of an broken Chromebook with Ms Wrack. My group and I grabbed our self a screw driver and opened up the screen of the Chromebook. There was this weird green object that was tied around the edge of the screen and one of my friends pulled it out. I enjoyed learning and exploring about what are inside of Chromebooks, but the frustrating part about opening a Chromebook was how you fix and place all the little pieces of the keyboard and the Chromebook in place again. I also found it very hard to find all of the missing pieces of the Chromebook.
Friday, 29 June 2018
Dog Safety
On the 28th of June, we learnt about dog safety with Nick and Mitchell. They first gave us books that was all about dogs and they also explained that you always have to ask the owner if you have permission to touch the dog. Then Nick and Mitchell brang the two dogs named Fergie and Chase. They were both really cute but then Nick ask us all to spread around the room and stand in a spot and the dogs will walk around us. They also said that if we are scared we coukd stand next to out teacher. I wanted to go to my teacher but I would be the only one standing next to my teacher so I decided not to go. When the two dogs went next to me I got super scared and wanted to go home but then the two dogs just left and I guess standing like a tree really does help get away dogs. At the end of the session, Nick and Mitchell told us if we wanted to touch Fergie and Chase, we had to lone up and touch them!
Glen Taylor,
Room 10,
Wednesday, 27 June 2018
All About Me
Hello, my name is Tracey and I’m 10 years old. I am a Year 5 and in Room 10 with a lovely and intelligent teacher named Miss Litchfield. The school I go to is Glen Taylor School.
My favourite activity to play is a math game called Prodigy with my friends and I am good at maths. My goal for this year is to get more better at reading, writing and learn decimals. I enjoy making google drawing out of different shapes.
I am looking forward to learning more decimal points and square roots. I am going to achieve this by practising everyday.
blog profile,
Glen Taylor,
Room 10,
smart footprint,
Monday, 25 June 2018
Solar System
the solar system are the dwarf planets. The solar system formed around 4.6 billion years ago and it includes the Sun and all the objects that orbit around it due to its gravity.
Venus is often called the Earth's sister because they both are almost the same size and have about the same mass. Venus also rotates backwards compared to Earth and the other planets. It is named for the Roman goddess of love and beauty and is the second largest terrestrial planet. Venus is the third brightest object of Earth's sky and the second planet from the Sun.
There are five different dwarf planets in the solar system, they are Ceres, Pluto, Haumea,
Makemake and Eris. The other dwarf planets are found in the outer solar system. The largest
dwarf planet in the solar system is Pluto. Pluto is named after the Greek god of the underworld
and was discovered on February 18th, 1930 by the Lowell Observatory.
I chose the solar system for my report because I think that there are lots of interesting facts about
the solar system. I think I now know lots of information about planets and the solar system.
Glen Taylor,
kawa of care,
Room 10,
Tuesday, 19 June 2018
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
Taking Flight
Dad took Tony to Grandpa’s because he had some very important business to finish. Tony felt upset because he didn’t want to stay at Grandpa’s, he wanted to spend more time with Dad. Dad also promised Tony that he would play with him. Dad dropped off Tony at Grandpa’s. When Tony got out of the car, he saw Grandpa. Grandpa was old, tall and he had grey hair with wrinkles. Dad got back in they car and drove to his unfinished business. “Now you sit here while I moan the grass.” said Grandpa. Tony got really bored so he laid down with his teddy. Then he found an old, rusty picture of Dad when he was a kid in a wagon with Grandpa standing nearby. He stacked boxes on top of each other to reach the picture. Then everything fell on tops of Tony. Grandpa suddenly heard a big BANG!!!!!! He walked towards Tony and was very shocked! He gazed at the wagon and the picture of him and Dad. It gave him back old memories when they used to go on super fun adventures together. Grandpa decided to do it again but with Tony. They went to a waterfall and an air plane. Dad got back and Grandpa’s house and saw him and Tony with a big mess. “Why are you two so messy?” he asked. Dad also looked at the old picture of him and Grandpa with his wagon. “Is that my wagon?” Then they all went on an adventure together.
kawa of care,
Room 10,
Friday, 8 June 2018
A Cat's Moment In Time
A Cat’s Moment In Time
I saw the stars shining bright up in the midnight sky.
I saw dark, black creepy spiders crawling around the fence.
I heard the old wise owl hooting in the tall trees.
I heard dogs barking around the neighbourhood
I smelt dead rotten fish ready to be eaten.
I smelt the windy cold breeze.
I tasted smoke coming out of an old rusty chimney.
I tasted the juicy fish in front of my eyes.
I wondered if there was anything else to eat.
I wondered how life would be if I was a human.
I saw the stars shining bright up in the midnight sky.
I saw dark, black creepy spiders crawling around the fence.
I heard the old wise owl hooting in the tall trees.
I heard dogs barking around the neighbourhood
I smelt dead rotten fish ready to be eaten.
I smelt the windy cold breeze.
I tasted smoke coming out of an old rusty chimney.
I tasted the juicy fish in front of my eyes.
I wondered if there was anything else to eat.
I wondered how life would be if I was a human.
Friday, 1 June 2018
Making Playdough!

Glen Taylor,
kawa of care,
Room 10
Wednesday, 30 May 2018
Lou Ella
She is fierce, she is brave and she loves the
colour pink. She loves fast cars and ice-cream
sundaes. She has a dog named Don and another
named Ron. She has two best friends names Katie
and Amanda who goes to the same school as her and
lives in a big hotel with a big spa pool. Lou Ella’s dad
owns a pink fast convertible car that he gave Lou Ella for
her 16th birthday. She has a very generous and loving family.
-Lou Ella
colour pink. She loves fast cars and ice-cream
sundaes. She has a dog named Don and another
named Ron. She has two best friends names Katie
and Amanda who goes to the same school as her and
lives in a big hotel with a big spa pool. Lou Ella’s dad
owns a pink fast convertible car that he gave Lou Ella for
her 16th birthday. She has a very generous and loving family.
-Lou Ella
Glen Taylor,
Room 10
Friday, 25 May 2018
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
Bully Free Week
This week, we have Bully Free Week, Sar Yar Chan and I worked together and made a Bully Free poster.
Glen Taylor,
Room 10
Choices in the community
Choices in the community
-Picking up rubbish and put it in the bin instead
of littering and leaving the rubbish on the ground.
-Helping others if they need instead of ignoring them.
Glen Taylor,
Room 10
Tuesday, 1 May 2018
My Holiday
In the weekend, I went mini golfing with my friend Erin & her family. I didn't want to go because it would be embarrassing if I got last. I started off bad but gradually got better. In the first round, my golf ball got stuck under the bridge so I was coming last. But on the fourth round was a glow in the dark place and I got it in the hole on my first try so I was first. After we finished, Erin's mum counted who got the most points and I got third. Then her family and I went to get KFC snack box and drinks and. After, Erin's mum took me us back home to their house and we had a sleepover!
Glen Taylor,
Room 10
Friday, 6 April 2018
Thursday, 5 April 2018
Culture Festival
Last week, we had our culture festival. First, we put on our
uniform and Miss Faalili did our hair and makeup. Then we
watched our parents arrive to our school and sat down on
the chairs. The girls and I went to the bathroom to see what
we looked liked and agested our lavalava because it was
falling down and we didn’t want that to happen on stage.
Then, the Samoan group lined up and went down to the field.
Then Mrs Wrack and the house captains introduced our family
to our first ever 2018 culture festival. After the announcement,
All the groups went on the stage and danced. After the Pacifica
Pearls went up, the samoan group went up on stage and was
getting ready for our girls dance. Then we did our school sasa
and our parents and family members were cheering for us. After
Culture Festival was done, Myat and I got our shoes and her sister
Picked us up and we went back to her house.
Glen Taylor,
kawa of care,
Room 10
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